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Weremczuk pneumatic precision seed drills

Search results: 2 ads

2 ads: Weremczuk pneumatic precision seed drills

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€7,973 ≈ $8,679
Number of rows 2
Germany, Dinkelsbühl
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Seeding depth 5 mm Number of rows 4 Operating speed 6 km/h Required tractor power 40 HP
Poland, Niedrzwica Duża
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Other makes in the section "Pneumatic precision seed drills"

€33,500 ≈ $36,470
Working width 5.6 m Number of rows 8 Row spacing 700 mm Volume of the tank 900 l Required tractor power 80 HP Marker marker
Ukraine, Lutsk
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€45,500 ≈ $49,530
Working width 5.6 m Number of rows 8 Row spacing 700 mm Required tractor power 100 HP Marker marker
Ukraine, Lutsk
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€18,000 ≈ $19,590
Number of rows 4
Ukraine, Lutsk
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John Deere 1740, 12ряд. pneumatic precision seed drill John Deere 1740, 12ряд. pneumatic precision seed drill John Deere 1740, 12ряд. pneumatic precision seed drill
$29,500 ≈ €27,100
Ukraine, Kyiv
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auction Auction
France, Saint Aubin sur Gaillon
Ritchie Bros France SAS
11 years at Agronetto
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€20,000 ≈ $21,770
Working width 4.2 m Number of rows 7
France, Aurice
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€11,000 ≈ $11,970
France, Aurice
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$50,000 ≈ €45,930
Working width 5.6 m Number of rows 8 Row spacing 700 mm Volume of the tank 2,000 l Operating speed 10 km/h Required tractor power 90 HP ISOBUS ISOBUS Marker marker
Ukraine, Zhmerynka
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€110,000 ≈ $119,700
Ukraine, Vinnytsia
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€40,000 ≈ $43,540
Ukraine, Vinnytsia
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MaterMacc 3 XL pneumatic precision seed drill MaterMacc 3 XL pneumatic precision seed drill
€27,000 ≈ $29,390
Row spacing 490 mm Required tractor power 310 HP
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Challenger 8180 pneumatic precision seed drill Challenger 8180 pneumatic precision seed drill
$13,500 ≈ €12,400
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Kuhn Planter 3 pneumatic precision seed drill
$18,000 ≈ €16,530
Number of rows 8
Ukraine, Kyiv
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Kuhn Challenger 8180 pneumatic precision seed drill
$14,900 ≈ €13,690
Number of rows 8 Row spacing 700 mm
Ukraine, Kyiv
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$800 ≈ €734.90
Seeding depth 50 mm Working width 6 m Number of rows 8 Row spacing 70 mm Capacity 8 ha/hour Volume of the tank 3,000 l Operating speed 14 km/h Required tractor power 100 HP
Ukraine, s. Vuzlove
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€15,000 ≈ $16,330
Working width 6 m Number of rows 24 Volume of the tank 360 l Operating speed 8 km/h
Ukraine, Pisochyn
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Price on request
Number of rows 8
Ukraine, Poltava
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Price on request
Working width 6 m Number of rows 8 Row spacing 700 mm Required tractor power 100 HP Marker marker
Ukraine, Poltava
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Price on request
Ukraine, Poltava
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Price on request
Number of rows 8 Row spacing 70 mm
Ukraine, Poltava
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Kverneland Monopil edrive II pneumatic precision seed drill
€90 ≈ $97.97
Number of rows 24
Ukraine, pgt. Teofipol
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Price on request
Working width 5.6 m Number of rows 8 Volume of the tank 1,600 l Operating speed 12 km/h Required tractor power 100 HP
Ukraine, Shumskoy r-n, s. V.Dederkaly
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Price on request
Working width 6 m Number of rows 8 Row spacing 700 mm Operating speed 10 km/h Required tractor power 120 HP
Ukraine, Shumskoy r-n, s. V.Dederkaly
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Search results: 2 ads

Prices for Weremczuk pneumatic precision seed drills

Väderstad BDA 360 Year: 2018, working width: 6 m, Number of rows: 24, Volume of the tank: 360 l, operating speed: 8 km/h €15,000
MaterMacc 3 XL Year: 2013, Row spacing: 490 mm, required tractor power: 310 HP €27,000
Challenger 8180 Year: 2014 €12,400
Kuhn Challenger 8180 Year: 2010, Number of rows: 8, Row spacing: 700 mm €13,690
Kuhn Planter 3 Year: 2014, Number of rows: 8 €16,530
John Deere 1740, 12ряд Year: 2014 €27,100
MaterMacc MSО Duo Number of rows: 4 €18,000
MaterMacc MS 4100 Year: 2024, working width: 5.6 m, Number of rows: 8, Row spacing: 700 mm, Volume of the tank: 900 l €33,500
MaterMacc MS 8100 Year: 2024, working width: 5.6 m, Number of rows: 8, Row spacing: 700 mm, required tractor power: 100 HP €45,500
Weremczuk Einzelkorndrille Gemüse Year: 2014, Number of rows: 2 €7,973